Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Digital Well Being

“The struggle of man against social media is the struggle of concentration against distraction.”

Do you know ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)? I have most of the signs of this disorder that has increased from the last few years. But, I am slowly turning the tides by changing the micro habits and following simple rules.

1. Know about Cal Newport’s prescriptions for creating 90 minute slots\ for solid, uninterrupted work. Practice this by increasing gradually from 60 - 150 Minutes. While working on the desktop, allocate specific start and end time of the task and close all other windows.

2. Uninstall LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Tweeter from the smart phone. Login and Logout each time from the social media application on the desktop. This will lower the craving to stay connected all the time.

3. Do Not Disturb Mode: This starts by disabling WhatsApp/Telegram and text message notifications and sound. In the peak hours of work, there is need to avoid incoming calls too.

4. Stop refreshing Inbox for constantly new emails. Plan your working hours with meetings, lunch, tea break, and phone call in between concentrated work hours.

5. Digital Down Time: There must be for digital downtime every evening. When you are done with work for the day, try to shut down work related task for the day completely. Phone calls, share market, social media and text messaging are all covered in this session. During dinner, movies, reading and jogging, start leaving your phone alone.

6. Wind Down Time: The entertainment has to be fixed post-office and pre-sleep hours. I put my phone on on wind down between 12 - 7 AM. Good sleep improves work productivity.

7. Partial phone/desktop/TV deprivation is good for health. This can be extended from 4-12 hours during day time.

8. Digital detox will leave a void in the life and there is huge need to reinvest back in the family, friendships and relationships

9. I have committed in 2020 for “no new hobbies, no new books.” I had acquired several books in the last few years and read only one fifth of the home grown library.

10. Binging is bit smaller issue but also leads to erosion of the self control. The discipline to say No is the core of the self control.

11. Stop Consuming too much of news, entertainment, and reports. Start a habit of creation: reading, coding, painting, gardening, jogging etc..

Consumer culture drives us to explore in a rabbit hole. Think an example like Youtube surfing. Digital Wellbeing is an essential part of the mental health. I often have to challenge myself for this experiment and I have huge withdrawal symptoms too. This is an attempt to go deeper and cultivate self control. Its like watching grass grow. It will take perseverance and belief in the power of self.