XIMB 1st Year
Ist Trimester
1. Managerial Economics (ME)
2. Financial Reporting (FR)
3. Communication (C)
4. Leadership & Team Building (LTB)
5. Individuals in Organisation (OB-I)
6. Quantitative Methods (QM)
7. Rural Development Administration (RDA)
8. Societal Analysis & Development Action (SADA)
9. Rural Financial Institutions & Markets (RFIM)
IInd Trimester
1. Macro Economic Analysis for Rural Society (MEARS)
2. Financial Statement Analysis (FSA)
3. Accounting for Decision Making (ADM)
4. Social Research Methods (SRM)
5. Introduction to Marketing (ITM)
6. EQ & Leadership (EQ & L)
7. Rural Production & Livelihood Systems (RPLS)
8. Project Management (PM)
9. Rural Living & Learning Experience (RLLE)
IIIrd Trimester
1. Introduction to Risk and Valuation (IRV)
2. Capital Investment Decisions (CID)
3. Business Information Systems (BIS)
4. Marketing Research (MR)
5. Rural & Inclusive Marketing (RIM)
6. Operations Management (OM)
7. Micro Planning (MP)
8. Rural Environment and Public Policies (REPP)
9. Understanding Development Organisations (UDO)
10. Community Mobilisation & Institution Building (CMIB)
*Summer Training - "Preparation of District Disaster Management Plan for Bhind, Madhya Pradesh."
XIMB 2nd Year (Both Core and Electives)
IVth Trimester
1. Human Resource Management (HRM)
2. Ecosystem and Sustainability Management (ESM)(core)
3. Micro Finance Management (MFM)
4. Advanced Methods of Data Analysis (AMDA)
5. Qualitative Research Methods (QRM)
6. Sales & Distribution Management (SDM)
7. Cooperative Management (CM)
-Procurement Management & Warehousing (PMW) (Elective Not Taken)
-Insurance & Risk Management (IARM) (Elective Not Taken)
Vth Trimester
1. Supply Chain Management (SCM)
2. Strategic Management (SM)
4. Knowledge Management Strategy for Development Sector (KMSDS)
5. Consumer Behaviour in Rural Market (CBRM)
-Globalisation & Development (GD) (Elective Not Taken)
-Legal & Financial Management for Development Organisation (LFMDO) (Elective Not Taken)
-Social Entrepreneurship (SE) (Elective Not Taken)
-Commercial Banking for Rural Management (COBRM) (Elective Not Taken)
-Agriculture Output & Food Marketing (AOM) (Elective Not Taken)
-Agriculture Input Marketing (AIM)(Elective Not Taken)
-Project Monitoring & Evaluation (PME) (Elective Not Taken)
VIth Trimester
1. Social & Ethical Responsibilities (SER)(Core)
2. Gender Issues in Development (GID)
3. Commodity Markets & Derivatives (CMD)
4. Governance & Development (G&D)
-Corporate Social Responsibility (Elective Not Taken)
-Rural Marketing Communication (Elective Not Taken)
-Transformational Leadership (Elective Not Taken)